
    PLEASE NOTE: This document applies to v1.7 version and not to the latest stable release v1.8

    Documentation for other releases can be found by using the version selector in the top right of any doc page.

    Ceph Operator Helm Chart

    Installs rook to create, configure, and manage Ceph clusters on Kubernetes.


    This chart bootstraps a rook-ceph-operator deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


    • Kubernetes 1.13+
    • Helm 3.x

    See the Helm support matrix for more details.


    The Ceph Operator helm chart will install the basic components necessary to create a storage platform for your Kubernetes cluster.

    1. Install the Helm chart
    2. Create a Rook cluster.

    The helm install command deploys rook on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation. It is recommended that the rook operator be installed into the rook-ceph namespace (you will install your clusters into separate namespaces).

    Rook currently publishes builds of the Ceph operator to the release and master channels.


    The release channel is the most recent release of Rook that is considered stable for the community.

    helm repo add rook-release https://charts.rook.io/release
    helm install --create-namespace --namespace rook-ceph rook-ceph rook-release/rook-ceph

    Development Build

    To deploy from a local build from your development environment:

    1. Build the Rook docker image: make
    2. Copy the image to your K8s cluster, such as with the docker save then the docker load commands
    3. Install the helm chart:
    cd cluster/charts/rook-ceph
    helm install --create-namespace --namespace rook-ceph rook-ceph .

    Uninstalling the Chart

    To see the currently installed Rook chart:

    helm ls --namespace rook-ceph

    To uninstall/delete the rook-ceph deployment:

    helm delete --namespace rook-ceph rook-ceph

    The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

    After uninstalling you may want to clean up the CRDs as described on the teardown documentation.


    The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the rook-operator chart and their default values.

    Parameter Description Default
    image.repository Image rook/ceph
    image.tag Image tag master
    image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
    crds.enabled If true, the helm chart will create the Rook CRDs. Do NOT change to false in a running cluster or CRs will be deleted! true
    rbacEnable If true, create & use RBAC resources true
    pspEnable If true, create & use PSP resources true
    resources Pod resource requests & limits {}
    annotations Pod annotations {}
    logLevel Global log level INFO
    nodeSelector Kubernetes nodeSelector to add to the Deployment.
    tolerations List of Kubernetes tolerations to add to the Deployment. []
    unreachableNodeTolerationSeconds Delay to use for the node.kubernetes.io/unreachable pod failure toleration to override the Kubernetes default of 5 minutes 5s
    currentNamespaceOnly Whether the operator should watch cluster CRD in its own namespace or not false
    hostpathRequiresPrivileged Runs Ceph Pods as privileged to be able to write to hostPaths in OpenShift with SELinux restrictions. false
    discover.priorityClassName The priority class name to add to the discover pods
    discover.toleration Toleration for the discover pods
    discover.tolerationKey The specific key of the taint to tolerate
    discover.tolerations Array of tolerations in YAML format which will be added to discover deployment
    discover.nodeAffinity The node labels for affinity of discover-agent (***)
    discover.podLabels Labels to add to the discover pods.
    csi.enableRbdDriver Enable Ceph CSI RBD driver. true
    csi.enableCephfsDriver Enable Ceph CSI CephFS driver. true
    csi.enableCephfsSnapshotter Enable Snapshotter in CephFS provisioner pod. true
    csi.enableRBDSnapshotter Enable Snapshotter in RBD provisioner pod. true
    csi.pluginPriorityClassName PriorityClassName to be set on csi driver plugin pods.
    csi.provisionerPriorityClassName PriorityClassName to be set on csi driver provisioner pods.
    csi.enableOMAPGenerator EnableOMAP generator deploys omap sidecar in CSI provisioner pod, to enable it set it to true false
    csi.rbdFSGroupPolicy Policy for modifying a volume’s ownership or permissions when the RBD PVC is being mounted ReadWriteOnceWithFSType
    csi.cephFSFSGroupPolicy Policy for modifying a volume’s ownership or permissions when the CephFS PVC is being mounted None
    csi.logLevel Set logging level for csi containers. Supported values from 0 to 5. 0 for general useful logs, 5 for trace level verbosity. 0
    csi.provisionerReplicas Set replicas for csi provisioner deployment. 2
    csi.enableGrpcMetrics Enable Ceph CSI GRPC Metrics. false
    csi.enableCSIHostNetwork Enable Host Networking for Ceph CSI nodeplugins. false
    csi.provisionerTolerations Array of tolerations in YAML format which will be added to CSI provisioner deployment.
    csi.provisionerNodeAffinity The node labels for affinity of the CSI provisioner deployment (***)
    csi.pluginTolerations Array of tolerations in YAML format which will be added to CephCSI plugin DaemonSet
    csi.pluginNodeAffinity The node labels for affinity of the CephCSI plugin DaemonSet (***)
    csi.rbdProvisionerTolerations Array of tolerations in YAML format which will be added to CephCSI RBD provisioner deployment.
    csi.rbdProvisionerNodeAffinity The node labels for affinity of the CephCSI RBD provisioner deployment (***)
    csi.rbdPluginTolerations Array of tolerations in YAML format which will be added to CephCSI RBD plugin DaemonSet
    csi.rbdPluginNodeAffinity The node labels for affinity of the CephCSI RBD plugin DaemonSet (***)
    csi.cephFSProvisionerTolerations Array of tolerations in YAML format which will be added to CephCSI CephFS provisioner deployment.
    csi.cephFSProvisionerNodeAffinity The node labels for affinity of the CephCSI CephFS provisioner deployment (***)
    csi.cephFSPluginTolerations Array of tolerations in YAML format which will be added to CephCSI CephFS plugin DaemonSet
    csi.cephFSPluginNodeAffinity The node labels for affinity of the CephCSI CephFS plugin DaemonSet (***)
    csi.csiRBDProvisionerResource CEPH CSI RBD provisioner resource requirement list.
    csi.csiRBDPluginResource CEPH CSI RBD plugin resource requirement list.
    csi.csiCephFSProvisionerResource CEPH CSI CephFS provisioner resource requirement list.
    csi.csiCephFSPluginResource CEPH CSI CephFS plugin resource requirement list.
    csi.cephfsGrpcMetricsPort CSI CephFS driver GRPC metrics port. 9091
    csi.cephfsLivenessMetricsPort CSI CephFS driver metrics port. 9081
    csi.rbdGrpcMetricsPort Ceph CSI RBD driver GRPC metrics port. 9090
    csi.rbdLivenessMetricsPort Ceph CSI RBD driver metrics port. 8080
    csi.forceCephFSKernelClient Enable Ceph Kernel clients on kernel < 4.17 which support quotas for Cephfs. true
    csi.kubeletDirPath Kubelet root directory path (if the Kubelet uses a different path for the --root-dir flag) /var/lib/kubelet
    csi.cephcsi.image Ceph CSI image. quay.io/cephcsi/cephcsi:v3.4.0
    csi.rbdPluginUpdateStrategy CSI Rbd plugin daemonset update strategy, supported values are OnDelete and RollingUpdate. OnDelete
    csi.cephFSPluginUpdateStrategy CSI CephFS plugin daemonset update strategy, supported values are OnDelete and RollingUpdate. OnDelete
    csi.registrar.image Kubernetes CSI registrar image. k8s.gcr.io/sig-storage/csi-node-driver-registrar:v2.3.0
    csi.resizer.image Kubernetes CSI resizer image. k8s.gcr.io/sig-storage/csi-resizer:v1.3.0
    csi.provisioner.image Kubernetes CSI provisioner image. k8s.gcr.io/sig-storage/csi-provisioner:v3.0.0
    csi.snapshotter.image Kubernetes CSI snapshotter image. k8s.gcr.io/sig-storage/csi-snapshotter:v4.2.0
    csi.attacher.image Kubernetes CSI Attacher image. k8s.gcr.io/sig-storage/csi-attacher:v3.3.0
    csi.cephfsPodLabels Labels to add to the CSI CephFS Pods.
    csi.rbdPodLabels Labels to add to the CSI RBD Pods.
    csi.volumeReplication.enabled Enable Volume Replication. false
    csi.volumeReplication.image Volume Replication Controller image. quay.io/csiaddons/volumereplication-operator:v0.1.0
    agent.flexVolumeDirPath Path where the Rook agent discovers the flex volume plugins (*) /usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/
    agent.libModulesDirPath Path where the Rook agent should look for kernel modules (*) /lib/modules
    agent.mounts Additional paths to be mounted in the agent container (**)
    agent.mountSecurityMode Mount Security Mode for the agent. Any
    agent.priorityClassName The priority class name to add to the agent pods
    agent.toleration Toleration for the agent pods
    agent.tolerationKey The specific key of the taint to tolerate
    agent.tolerations Array of tolerations in YAML format which will be added to agent deployment
    agent.nodeAffinity The node labels for affinity of rook-agent (***)
    admissionController.tolerations Array of tolerations in YAML format which will be added to admission controller deployment.
    admissionController.nodeAffinity The node labels for affinity of the admission controller deployment (***)
    allowMultipleFilesystems (experimental) Allows multiple filesystems to be deployed to a Ceph cluster. Octopus (v15) or Nautilus (v14) false

    &ast; For information on what to set agent.flexVolumeDirPath to, please refer to the Rook flexvolume documentation

    &ast; &ast; agent.mounts should have this format mountname1=/host/path:/container/path,mountname2=/host/path2:/container/path2

    &ast; &ast; &ast; nodeAffinity and *NodeAffinity options should have the format "role=storage,rook; storage=ceph" or storage=;role=rook-example or storage=; (checks only for presence of key)

    Command Line

    You can pass the settings with helm command line parameters. Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install.

    Settings File

    Alternatively, a yaml file that specifies the values for the above parameters (values.yaml) can be provided while installing the chart.

    helm install --namespace rook-ceph rook-ceph rook-release/rook-ceph -f values.yaml

    For example settings, see values.yaml