
    PLEASE NOTE: This document applies to v1.3 version and not to the latest stable release v1.8

    Documentation for other releases can be found by using the version selector in the top right of any doc page.

    CockroachDB Cluster CRD

    CockroachDB database clusters can be created and configured using the clusters.cockroachdb.rook.io custom resource definition (CRD). Please refer to the the user guide walk-through for complete instructions. This page will explain all the available configuration options on the CockroachDB CRD.


    apiVersion: cockroachdb.rook.io/v1alpha1
    kind: Cluster
      name: rook-cockroachdb
      namespace: rook-cockroachdb
        nodeCount: 3
          - spec:
              accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
              # Uncomment and specify your StorageClass, otherwise
              # the cluster admin defined default StorageClass will be used.
              #storageClassName: "my-storage-class"
                  storage: "100Gi"
        - name: http
          port: 8080
        - name: grpc
          port: 26257
      secure: false
      cachePercent: 25
      maxSQLMemoryPercent: 25
      # A key/value list of annotations
      #  key: value

    Cluster Settings

    CockroachDB Specific Settings

    The settings below are specific to CockroachDB database clusters:

    • secure: true to create a secure cluster installation using certificates and encryption. false to create an insecure installation (strongly discouraged for production usage). Currently, only insecure is supported.
    • cachePercent: The total size used for caches, expressed as a percentage of total physical memory.
    • maxSQLMemoryPercent: The maximum memory capacity available to store temporary data for SQL clients, expressed as a percentage of total physical memory.
    • annotations: Key value pair list of annotations to add.

    Storage Scope

    Under the scope field, a StorageScopeSpec can be specified to influence the scope or boundaries of storage that the cluster will use for its underlying storage. These properties are currently supported:

    • nodeCount: The number of CockroachDB instances to create. Some of these instances may be scheduled on the same nodes, but exactly this many instances will be created and included in the cluster.
    • volumeClaimTemplates: A list of PersistentVolumeClaim templates which must contain only one or no PersistentVolumeClaim. If no PersistentVolumeClaim is given an emptyDir will be given, meaning the instance data will be lost when a Pod is restarted. For an example of how PersistentVolumeClaim template should look, please look at the above sample.


    Under the network field, a NetworkSpec can be specified that describes network related settings of the cluster. The properties that are currently supported are:

    • ports: The port numbers to expose the CockroachDB services on, as shown in the sample above. The supported port names are:
      • http: The port to bind to for HTTP requests such as the UI as well as health and debug endpoints.
      • grpc: The main port, served by gRPC, serves Postgres-flavor SQL, internode traffic and the command line interface.