
    PLEASE NOTE: This document applies to v1.2 version and not to the latest stable release v1.8

    Documentation for other releases can be found by using the version selector in the top right of any doc page.

    EdgeFS Cluster CRD

    Rook allows creation and customization of storage clusters through the custom resource definitions (CRDs).


    To get you started, here is a simple example of a CRD to configure a EdgeFS cluster with just one local per-host directory /data:

    apiVersion: edgefs.rook.io/v1
    kind: Cluster
      name: rook-edgefs
      namespace: rook-edgefs
      edgefsImageName: edgefs/edgefs:latest
      serviceAccount: rook-edgefs-cluster
      dataDirHostPath: /data
        useAllNodes: true   # use only for test deployments

    or if you have raw block devices provisioned, it can dynamically detect, format and utilize all raw devices on all nodes with simple CRD as below:

    apiVersion: edgefs.rook.io/v1
    kind: Cluster
      name: rook-edgefs
      namespace: rook-edgefs
      edgefsImageName: edgefs/edgefs:latest
      serviceAccount: rook-edgefs-cluster
      dataDirHostPath: /data
        useAllNodes: true   # use only for test deployments
        useAllDevices: true

    or if you want to just install it on single node1, single SSD device /dev/sdb, use this sample:

    apiVersion: edgefs.rook.io/v1
    kind: Cluster
      name: rook-edgefs
      namespace: rook-edgefs
      edgefsImageName: edgefs/edgefs:latest
      serviceAccount: rook-edgefs-cluster
      dataDirHostPath: /data
      sysRepCount: 1
      failureDomain: "device"
        useAllNodes: false
        useAllDevices: false
          useAllSSD: "true"
          useMetadataOffload: "false"
        - name: "node1"
          - name: "sdb"

    or if you want to just install it on single node1, single directory /media, use this sample:

    apiVersion: edgefs.rook.io/v1
    kind: Cluster
      name: rook-edgefs
      namespace: rook-edgefs
      edgefsImageName: edgefs/edgefs:latest
      serviceAccount: rook-edgefs-cluster
      dataDirHostPath: /data
      sysRepCount: 1
      failureDomain: "device"
        useAllNodes: false
        useAllDevices: false
        - path: /media   # global for all nodes, cannot be per-node!
        - name: "node1"

    In addition to the CRD, you will also need to create a namespace, role, and role binding as seen in the common cluster resources below.


    Settings can be specified at the global level to apply to the cluster as a whole, while other settings can be specified at more fine-grained levels, e.g. individual nodes. If any setting is unspecified, a suitable default will be used automatically.

    Cluster metadata

    • name: The name that will be used internally for the EdgeFS cluster. Most commonly the name is the same as the namespace since multiple clusters are not supported in the same namespace.
    • namespace: The Kubernetes namespace that will be created for the Rook cluster. The services, pods, and other resources created by the operator will be added to this namespace. The common scenario is to create a single Rook cluster. If multiple clusters are created, they must not have conflicting devices or host paths.
    • edgefsImageName: EdgeFS image to use. If not specified then edgefs/edgefs:latest is used. We recommend to specify particular image version for production use, for example edgefs/edgefs:1.2.124.

    Cluster Settings

    • dataDirHostPath: The path on the host (hostPath) where config and data should be stored for each of the services. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. Because this directory persists on the host, it will remain after pods are deleted. If storage settings not provided then provisioned hostPath will also be used as a storage device for Target pods (automatic provisioning via rtlfs).
      • On Minikube environments, use /data/rook. Minikube boots into a tmpfs but it provides some directories where files can be persisted across reboots. Using one of these directories will ensure that Rook’s data and configuration files are persisted and that enough storage space is available.
      • WARNING: For test scenarios, if you delete a cluster and start a new cluster on the same hosts, the path used by dataDirHostPath must be deleted. Otherwise, stale information and other config will remain from the previous cluster and the new target will fail to start. If this value is empty, each pod will get an ephemeral directory to store their config files that is tied to the lifetime of the pod running on that node. More details can be found in the Kubernetes empty dir docs.
    • dataVolumeSize: Alternative to dataDirHostPath. If defined then Cluster CRD operator will disregard dataDirHostPath setting and instead will automatically claim persistent volume. If storage settings not provided then provisioned volume will also be used as a storage device for Target pods (automatic provisioning via rtlfs).
    • sysRepCount: overrides the default (3) system replication count value. Can be set to 1 or 2 for a cluster with limited number of failure domains. For example, a signle node setup with two disks can provide up to 2 replicas per chunk and requires sysRepCount to be set to 1 or 2.
    • failureDomain: identifies the way chunk replicas are distributed accross cluster’s disks. The device domain requires each replicas to resides on different disks, the host domains implies one replica per node and the zone domain is for one replica per zone. If failureDomain option isn’t specified, then the failure domain is set to host or zone depending on nodes config (see below). The failureDomain allows to specify the failure domain explicitly. For example, a single-node cluster with multiple nodes requires the failureDomain set to device if the sysRepCount > 1.
    • dashboard: This specification may be used to override and enable additional EdgeFS UI Dashboard functionality.
      • localAddr: Specifies local IP address to be used as Kubernetes external IP.
    • network: network configuration settings
    • devicesResurrectMode: When enabled, this mode attempts to recreate cluster based on previous CRD definition. If this flag set to one of the parameters, then operator will only adjust networking. Often used when clean up of old devices is needed. Only applicable when used with dataDirHostPath.
      • restore: Attempt to restart and restore previously enabled cluster CRD.
      • restoreZap: Attempt to re-initialize previously selected devices prior to restore. By default cluster assumes that selected devices have no logical partitions and considered empty.
      • restoreZapWait: Attempt to cleanup previously selected devices and wait for cluster delete. This is useful when clean up of old devices is needed. Additional containers count should be specified if cluster was originally created with a total per-node capacity that exceeding maxContainerCapacity option, e.g., devicesResurrectMode: "restoreZapWait: 2".
    • serviceAccount: The service account under which the EdgeFS pods will run that will give access to ConfigMaps in the cluster’s namespace. If not set, the default of rook-edgefs-cluster will be used.
    • chunkCacheSize: Limit amount of memory allocated for dynamic chunk cache. By default Target pod uses up to 75% of available memory as chunk caching area. This option can influence this allocation strategy.
    • placement: placement configuration settings
    • resourceProfile: Cluster segment wide resource utilization profile (Memory and CPU). Can be embedded or performance (default). In case of performance each Target pod requires at least 8Gi of memory and 4 CPU cores in terms of to operate efficiently. If resources limits are set to less then 8Gi of memory then operator will automatically set profile to embedded. In embedded profile case, Target pod requires 1Gi of memory and 2 CPU cores, where memory allocation is split between number of PLevels (see rtPLevelOverride option) with 64Mi minimally per one PLevel, 64Mi for Target pod itself and the rest for chunk cache (see chunkCacheSize option) that allocates up to 75% of available memory.
    • resources: resources configuration settings
    • storage: Storage selection and configuration that will be used across the cluster. Note that these settings can be overridden for specific nodes.
      • useAllNodes: true or false, indicating if all nodes in the cluster should be used for storage according to the cluster level storage selection and configuration values. If individual nodes are specified under the nodes field below, then useAllNodes must be set to false.
      • nodes: Names of individual nodes in the cluster that should have their storage included in accordance with either the cluster level configuration specified above or any node specific overrides described in the next section below. useAllNodes must be set to false to use specific nodes and their config.
      • storage selection settings
      • storage configuration settings
    • skipHostPrepare: By default all nodes selected for EdgeFS deployment will be automatically configured via preparation jobs. If this option set to true node configuration will be skipped.
    • trlogProcessingInterval: Controls for how many seconds cluster would aggregate object modifications prior to processing it by accounting, bucket updates, ISGW Links and notifications components. Has to be defined in seconds and must be composite of 60, i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30. Default is 10. Recommended range is 2 - 20. This is cluster wide setting and cannot be easily changed after cluster is created. Any new node added has to reflect exactly the same setting.
    • trlogKeepDays: Controls for how many days cluster need to keep transaction log interval batches with version manifest references. If you planning to have cluster disconnected from ISGW downlinks for longer period time, consider to increase this value. Default is 3. This is cluster wide setting and cannot be easily changed after cluster is created.
    • maxContainerCapacity: Overrides default total disks capacity per target container. Default is “132Ti”.
    • useHostLocalTime: Force usage of the host’s /etc/localtime inside EdgeFS containers. Default is false.

    Node Updates

    Nodes can be added and removed over time by updating the Cluster CRD, for example with kubectl -n rook-edgefs edit cluster.edgefs.rook.io rook-edgefs. This will bring up your default text editor and allow you to add and remove storage nodes from the cluster. This feature is only available when useAllNodes has been set to false.

    Node Settings

    In addition to the cluster level settings specified above, each individual node can also specify configuration to override the cluster level settings and defaults. If a node does not specify any configuration then it will inherit the cluster level settings.

    Storage Selection Settings

    Below are the settings available, both at the cluster and individual node level, for selecting which storage resources will be included in the cluster.

    • useAllDevices: true or false, indicating whether all devices found on nodes in the cluster should be automatically consumed by Targets. This is recommended for controlled environments where you will not risk formatting of devices with existing data. When true, all devices will be used except those with partitions created or a local filesystem. This can be overridden by deviceFilter. warning Don’t set this option to true for RTKVS disk backend.
    • deviceFilter: A regular expression that allows selection of devices to be consumed by target. If individual devices have been specified for a node then this filter will be ignored. This field uses golang regular expression syntax. For example:
      • sdb: Only selects the sdb device if found
      • ^sd.: Selects all devices starting with sd
      • ^sd[a-d]: Selects devices starting with sda, sdb, sdc, and sdd if found
      • ^s: Selects all devices that start with s
      • ^[^r]: Selects all devices that do not start with r
    • devices: A list of individual device names belonging to this node to include in the storage cluster. Mixing of devices and directories on the same node isn’t supported.
      • name: The name of the device (e.g., sda).
      • fullpath: The full path to the device (e.g., /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-35000c5008335c83f). If specified then name can be omitted.
      • config: Device-specific config settings. See the config settings below.
    • directories: A list of directory paths on the nodes that will be included in the storage cluster. Note that using two directories on the same physical device can cause a negative performance impact. Since EdgeFS is leveraging StatefulSet, directories can only be defined at cluster level. Mixing of devices and directories on the same node isn’t supported unless rtkvs disk engine is used. ** note **: For the rtkvs disk engine, at least one directory needs to be provided in order to store some small amount of metadata. For performance reasons, it would be better to have one directory per disk.
      • path: The path on disk of the directory (e.g., /rook/storage-dir).
      • config: Directory-specific config settings. See the config settings below.

    Storage Configuration Settings

    The following storage selection settings are specific to EdgeFS and do not apply to other backends. All variables are key-value pairs represented as strings. While EdgeFS supports multiple backends, it is not recommended to mix them within same cluster. In case of devices (physical or emulated raw disks), EdgeFS will automatically use rtrd backend unless useRtkvsBackend is specified. In the latter case, the rtkvs engine will be chosen. In all other cases rtlfs (local filesystem) will be used.

    IMPORTANT: Keys needs to be case-sensitive and values has to be provided as strings.

    • useRtkvsBackend: forces the cluster use the rtkvs disk engine and setting’s value selects a key-value backend to be used. At the moment there is only backend named the kvssd for Samsung’s KV SSD. The usage of rtkvs engine implies definition of one or several device.name or device.fullpath settings which have to point to backend’s disk entries (see cluster_kvsdd.yaml).
    • walMode: allows to enable/disable the Write-Ahead log (WAL). For rtlfs and rtkvs there are two options: on to enable or off to disable. It’s better to keep it on unless useAllSSD or useRtkvsBackend are used. For rtkvs, there is an extra option: metadata which implies usage of WAL for data types which aren’t stored on rtkvs backend (a KVSSD).
    • useMetadataOffload: Dynamically detect appropriate SSD/NVMe device to use for the metadata on each node. Performance can be improved by using a low latency device as the metadata device, while other spinning platter (HDD) devices on a node are used to store data. Typical and recommended proportion is in range of 1:1 - 1:6. Default is false. Applicable only to rtrd.
    • useMetadataMask: Defines what parts of metadata needs to be stored on offloaded devices. Default is 0xff, offload all metadata. To save SSD/NVMe capacity, set it to 0x7d to offload all except second level manifests. Applicable only to rtrd.
    • useBCache: When useMetadataOffload is true, enable use of BCache. Default is false. Applicable only to rtrd and when host has “bcache” kernel module preloaded.
    • useBCacheWB: When useMetadataOffload and useBCache is true, this option can enable use of BCache write-back cache. By default BCache only used as read cache in front of HDD. Applicable only to rtrd.
    • useAllSSD: When set to true, only SSD/NVMe non rotational devices will be used. Default is false and if useMetadataOffload not defined then only rotational devices (HDDs) will be picked up during node provisioning phase. Is not applicabel to rtkvs.
    • rtPLevelOverride: In case of large devices or directories, it will be automatically partitioned into smaller parts around 500GB each. In case of embedded use cases, lowering the value would allow to operate with smaller memory footprint devices at the cost of performance. This option allows partitioning number override. Default is automatic. Typical and recommended range is 1 - 32. For rtkvs recomended plevel is 16.
    • hddReadAhead: For all HDD or hybrid (SSD/HDD) use cases, adjusting hddReadAhead may provide significant boost in performance. Set to a value higher then 0, in KBs. Not applicable to rtkvs
    • mdReserved: For hybrid (SSD/HDD) use case, adjusting mdReserved can be necessary when combined with BCache read/write caches. Allowed range 10-99% of automatically calcuated slice. Not applicable to rtkvs
    • rtVerifyChid: Verify transferred or read payload. Payload can be data or metadata chunk of flexible size between 4K and 8MB. EdgeFS uses SHA-3 variant to cryptographically sign each chunk and uses it for self validation, self healing and FlexHash addressing. In case of low CPU systems verification after networking transfer prior to write can be disabled by setting this parameter to 0. In case of high CPU systems, verification after read but before networking transfer can be enabled by setting this parameter to 2. Default is 1, i.e. verify after networking transfer only. Setting it to 0 may improve CPU utilization at the cost of reduced availability. However, for objects with 3 or more replicas, availability isn’t going to be visibly affected.
    • lmdbPageSize: Defines default LMDB page size in bytes. Default is 16384. For capacity (all HDD) or hybrid (HDD/SSD) systems consider to increase this value to 32768 to achieve higher throughput performance. For all SSD and small database workloads, consider to decrease this to 8192 to achieve lower latency and higher IOPS. Please be advised that smaller values MAY cause fragmentation. Acceptable values are 4096, 8192, 16384 and 32768. Not applicable to rtkvs
    • lmdbMdPageSize: Defines SSD metadata offload LMDB page size in bytes. Default is 8192. For large amount of small objects or files, consider to decrease this to 4096 to achieve better SSD capacity utilization. Acceptable values are 4096, 8192, 16384 and 32768. Not applicable to rtkvs
    • sync: Defines default behavior of write operations at device or directory level. Acceptable values are 0, 1 (default), 2, 3.
      • 0: No syncing will happen. Highest performance possible and good for HPC scratch types of deployments. This option will still sustain crash of pods or software bugs. It will not sustain server power loss an may cause node / device level inconsistency.
      • 1: Default method. Will guarantee node / device consistency in case of power loss with reduced durability.
      • 2: Provides better durability in case of power loss at the cost of extra metadata syncing.
      • 3: Most durable and reliable option at the cost of significant performance impact.
    • maxSizeGB: For rtlfs, defines maximum allowed size to use per directory in gigabytes. For rtkvs this is the maximum space the disk’s metadata table can occupy.
    • zone: Enables the node’s failure domain number. Default value is 0 (no zoning). Zoning number is a logical failure domain tagging mechanism and if enabled then it has to be set for all the nodes in the cluster. See also, the failureDomain
    • noIP4Frag: When set to true it prevents sending fragmented UDP traffic. IMPORTANT: maximum data chunk size will be redused significantly.
    • sysMaxChunkSize: Set maximum allowed data chunk size expressed in bytes. Must be a power of two value. Default is 1M.
    • payloadS3URL: When set, it activates payload data chunk forwarding to an external S3 server. The value is an URL of the S3 bucket the payload chunks will be put to. Example: http://s3.aws-region.amazonaws.com/bucket. Only applicable for RTRD (raw disk) engine. Disabled by default.
    • payloadS3Region: S3 server region. Default is us-east-1. Only applicable when the payloadS3URL is set.
    • payloadS3MinKb: a minimal payload chunk size to trigger the forwarding to the S3 bucket. Data chunks smaller than this value will be stored locally. Only applicable when the payloadS3URL is set.
    • payloadS3CapacityGB: capacity of the external S3 bucket expressed in GB. This is an artificial value used to report accurate usage summary and to limit storage size. Only applicable when the payloadS3URL is set.
    • payloadS3Secret: name of a Kubernetes secret to be used as an external S3 bucket credential. The secret needs to be pre-creted before deployment of the EdgeFS cluster and resides in the same namespace as the cluster. Secret’s key neeed to be set to cred and value format is as follow: <aws_key>,<aws_secret>. See an example in the s3PayloadSecret.yaml

    Placement Configuration Settings

    Placement configuration for the cluster services. It includes the following keys: mgr, target and all. Each service will have its placement configuration generated by merging the generic configuration under all with the most specific one (which will override any attributes).

    A Placement configuration is specified (according to the Kubernetes PodSpec) as:

    The mgr pod does not allow Pod affinity or anti-affinity. This is because of the mgrs having built-in anti-affinity with each other through the operator. The operator chooses which nodes are to run a mgr on. Each mgr is then tied to a node with a node selector using a hostname.

    Network Configuration Settings

    Configure the network that will be enabled for the cluster and services. This is optional and if not defined then the cluster default network’s eth0 will be used to construct cluster bucket network.

    • provider: Specifies the network provider that will be used to connect the network interface. You can choose between host, and multus.
    • selectors: List the network selector that will be used associated by a key. The available keys are server and broker.
      • server: Specifies data daemon host’s networking interface name or multus’s network attachment selection annotation.
      • broker: Specifies broker daemon host’s networking interface name or multus’s network attachment selection annotation.

    For multus network provider, an already working cluster with multus networking is required. Network attachment definition that later will be attached to the cluster needs to be created before the Cluster CRD. You can add the multus network attachment selection annotation selecting the created network attachment definition on selectors. Make sure to define the interface name that will be assigned by multus and choose only one syntax either the short or JSON form to define all the available keys.

    Cluster-wide Resources Configuration Settings

    Resources should be specified so that the rook components are handled after Kubernetes Pod Quality of Service classes. This allows to keep rook components running when for example a node runs out of memory and the rook components are not killed depending on their Quality of Service class.

    You can set resource requests/limits for rook components through the Resource Requirements/Limits structure in the following keys:

    • mgr: Set resource requests/limits for Mgrs.
    • target: Set resource requests/limits for Targets.

    Resource Requirements/Limits

    For more information on resource requests/limits see the official Kubernetes documentation: Kubernetes - Managing Compute Resources for Containers.

    • requests: Requests for cpu or memory.
      • cpu: Request for CPU (example: one CPU core 1, 50% of one CPU core 500m).
      • memory: Limit for Memory (example: one gigabyte of memory 1Gi, half a gigabyte of memory 512Mi).
    • limits: Limits for cpu or memory.
      • cpu: Limit for CPU (example: one CPU core 1, 50% of one CPU core 500m).
      • memory: Limit for Memory (example: one gigabyte of memory 1Gi, half a gigabyte of memory 512Mi).

    Kubernetes node labeling and selection

    By default each Kubernetes node, available to deploy EdgeFS over it, will be treated as “target” EdgeFS instance. But cluster administrator able to label node as “gateway” node, such node will have no devices prepared for EdgeFS and will be used as EdgeFS dedicated service node. To mark a node as a “gateway”, the administrator can add a specific label to a node. Label format: <edgefs-namespace>-nodetype=gateway, where edgefs-namespace is current namespace for EdgeFS cluster deployment, by default is rook-edgefs. Example: kubectl label node "k8s node name" rook-edgefs-nodetype=gateway


    Here are several samples for configuring EdgeFS clusters. Each of the samples must also include the namespace and corresponding access granted for management by the EdgeFS operator. See the common cluster resources below.

    Storage configuration: All devices, All SSD/NVMes.

    apiVersion: edgefs.rook.io/v1
    kind: Cluster
      name: rook-edgefs
      namespace: rook-edgefs
      edgefsImageName: edgefs/edgefs:latest
      dataDirHostPath: /var/lib/rook
      serviceAccount: rook-edgefs-cluster
      # cluster level storage configuration and selection
        useAllNodes: true
        useAllDevices: true
          useAllSSD: true

    Storage Configuration: Specific devices

    Individual nodes and their config can be specified so that only the named nodes below will be used as storage resources. Each node’s ‘name’ field should match their ‘kubernetes.io/hostname’ label.

    apiVersion: edgefs.rook.io/v1
    kind: Cluster
      name: rook-edgefs
      namespace: rook-edgefs
      edgefsImageName: edgefs/edgefs:latest
      dataDirHostPath: /var/lib/rook
      serviceAccount: rook-edgefs-cluster
      # cluster level storage configuration and selection
        useAllNodes: false
        useAllDevices: false
          rtVerifyChid: "0"
        - name: ""
          devices:             # specific devices to use for storage can be specified for each node
          - name: "sdb"
          - name: "sdc"
          config:         # configuration can be specified at the node level which overrides the cluster level config
            rtPLevelOverride: 8
        - name: ""
          deviceFilter: "^sd."

    Storage Configuration: Samsung’s KV SSD

    A single nodes configuration with 2 KV SSDs. The host’s /media directory should have at least 64GB of free space for metadata.

      edgefsImageName: edgefs/edgefs:1.2.0
      serviceAccount: rook-edgefs-cluster
      dataDirHostPath: /var/lib/edgefs
      sysRepCount: 2
      failureDomain: "device"
        useAllNodes: false
        - path: /media
        useAllDevices: false
          useRtkvsBackend: kvssd
          rtPLevelOverride: "16"
          maxSizeGB: "32"
          sync: "0"
          walMode: "off"
        - name: "node1"
          - fullpath: "/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-SAMSUNG_MZQLB3T8HALS-000AZ_S3VJNY0J600450"
          - fullpath: "/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-SAMSUNG_MZQLB3T8HALS-000AZ_S3VJNY0K303383"

    Storage Configuration: payload forwarding to S3

    A 4-nodes configuration with S3 payload forwarding enabled. Follow the next steps:

    1. Create an EdgeFS namespace, default name is “rook-edgefs”: kubectl create ns rook-edgefs
    2. Create a S3 payload secrets in the EdgeFS namespace:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: node185-s3payload-secret
      namespace: rook-edgefs
    type: Opaque
      cred: bm9kZTEsbm9kZTEK  # aws key/secret made by a command "echo node1,node1 | base64"
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: node186-s3payload-secret
      namespace: rook-edgefs
    type: Opaque
      cred: bm9kZTIsbm9kZTIK
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: cluster-s3payload-secret
      namespace: rook-edgefs
    type: Opaque
      cred: Y2x1c3RlcixjbHVzdGVyCg==
    1. Create EdgeFS cluster:
      edgefsImageName: edgefs/edgefs:1.2.0
      serviceAccount: rook-edgefs-cluster
      dataDirHostPath: /var/lib/edgefs
        useAllNodes: false
        useAllDevices: false
          useAllSSD: "true"  # allSSD is a preferable configuration
          useMetadataOffload: "false"  # useMetadataOffload is not allowed
          payloadS3URL: "http://http://s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/bucket  # Default S3 bucket for all nodes
          payloadS3Region: "us-west-1"
          payloadS3MinKb: "128" # Payloads larger than 128K will got to S3 bucket
          payloadS3CapacityGB: "1024" # S3 bucket capacity is 1TB
          payloadS3Secret: "cluster-s3payload-secret" # Secter for default S3 bucket
        - name: node183 # node level storage configuration
          - name: "sdb"
          - name: "sdc"
        - name: node184 # node level storage configuration
          devices: # specific devices to use for storage can be specified for each node
          - name: "sdb"
          - name: "sdc"
        - name: node185 # node level storage configuration
          devices: # specific devices to use for storage can be specified for each node
          - name: "sdb"
          - name: "sdc"
          config: # configuration can be specified at the node level which overrides the cluster level config
            payloadS3URL: "http://s3.asia.amazonaws.com/bucket185"
            payloadS3Region: "asia"
            payloadS3Capacity: "1099511627776"
            payloadS3Secret: "node185-s3payload-secret"
        - name: node186 # node level storage configuration
          devices: # specific devices to use for storage can be specified for each node
          - name: "sdb"
          - name: "sdc"
          config: # configuration can be specified at the node level which overrides the cluster level config
            payloadS3URL: "http://s3.asia.amazonaws.com/bucket186"
            payloadS3Region: "asia"
            payloadS3Capacity: "1099511627776"
            payloadS3Secret: "node186-s3payload-secret"

    Node Affinity

    To control where various services will be scheduled by Kubernetes, use the placement configuration sections below. The example under ‘all’ would have all services scheduled on Kubernetes nodes labeled with ‘role=storage’ and tolerate taints with a key of ‘storage-node’.

    apiVersion: edgefs.rook.io/v1
    kind: Cluster
      name: rook-edgefs
      namespace: rook-edgefs
      edgefsImageName: edgefs/edgefs:latest
      dataDirHostPath: /var/lib/rook
      serviceAccount: rook-edgefs-cluster
              - matchExpressions:
                - key: role
                  operator: In
                  - storage-node
          - key: storage-node
            operator: Exists

    Resource requests/Limits

    To control how many resources the rook components can request/use, you can set requests and limits in Kubernetes for them. You can override these requests/limits for Targts per node when using useAllNodes: false in the node item in the nodes list.

    apiVersion: edgefs.rook.io/v1
    kind: Cluster
      name: rook-edgefs
      namespace: rook-edgefs
      edgefsImageName: edgefs/edgefs:latest
      dataDirHostPath: /var/lib/rook
      serviceAccount: rook-edgefs-cluster
      # cluster level resource requests/limits configuration
        useAllNodes: false
        - name: ""
              cpu: "2"
              memory: "4096Mi"
              cpu: "2"
              memory: "4096Mi"

    Network Configuration: Multus network

    An example on how to configure the cluster network to use multus network. Here, a NetworkAttachmentDefinition named flannel on rook-edgefs namespace is assumed.

    apiVersion: edgefs.rook.io/v1
    kind: Cluster
      name: rook-edgefs
      namespace: rook-edgefs
      edgefsImageName: edgefs/edgefs:latest
      dataDirHostPath: /var/lib/rook
      serviceAccount: rook-edgefs-cluster
        provider: multus
          server: flannel@net1
          broker: flannel@net2

    Common Cluster Resources

    Each EdgeFS cluster must be created in a namespace and also give access to the Rook operator to manage the cluster in the namespace. Creating the namespace and these controls must be added to each of the examples previously shown.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: rook-edgefs
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: rook-edgefs-cluster
      namespace: rook-edgefs
    kind: Role
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
      name: rook-edgefs-cluster
      namespace: rook-edgefs
    - apiGroups: [""]
      resources: ["configmaps"]
      verbs: [ "get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "delete" ]
    - apiGroups: [""]
      resources: ["pods"]
      verbs: [ "get", "list" ]
    # Allow the operator to create resources in this cluster's namespace
    kind: RoleBinding
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
      name: rook-edgefs-cluster-mgmt
      namespace: rook-edgefs
      apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: rook-edgefs-cluster-mgmt
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: rook-edgefs-system
      namespace: rook-edgefs-system
    # Allow the pods in this namespace to work with configmaps
    kind: RoleBinding
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
      name: rook-edgefs-cluster
      namespace: rook-edgefs
      apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: Role
      name: rook-edgefs-cluster
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: rook-edgefs-cluster
      namespace: rook-edgefs
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: PodSecurityPolicy
      name: privileged
        rule: RunAsAny
      privileged: true
        rule: RunAsAny
        rule: RunAsAny
        rule: RunAsAny
      - '*'
      - '*'
      hostPID: true
      hostIPC: true
      hostNetwork: false
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: ClusterRole
      name: privileged-psp-user
    - apiGroups:
      - apps
      - podsecuritypolicies
      - privileged
      - use
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      name: rook-edgefs-system-psp
      namespace: rook-edgefs
      apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: privileged-psp-user
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: rook-edgefs-system
      namespace: rook-edgefs-system