
    PLEASE NOTE: This document applies to v1.0 version and not to the latest stable release v1.8

    Documentation for other releases can be found by using the version selector in the top right of any doc page.

    Ceph Upgrades

    This guide will walk you through the steps to upgrade the software in a Rook-Ceph cluster from one version to the next. This includes both the Rook-Ceph operator software itself as well as the Ceph cluster software.

    With the release of Rook 1.0, upgrades for both the operator and for Ceph are nearly entirely automated save for where Rook’s permissions need to be explicitly updated by an admin. Achieving the level of upgrade automation has been refined by community feedback, and we will always be open to further feedback for improving automation and improving Rook.

    We welcome feedback and opening issues!

    Supported Versions

    The supported version for this upgrade guide is from a 0.9 release to a 1.0 release. This guide supports upgrades only between the official releases. Container images for official releases are hosted on the Docker Hub project rook/ceph and are denoted by tags vX.Y.Z or vX.Y.Z-stable; these two formats are synonymous.

    For a guide to upgrade previous versions of Rook, please refer to the version of documentation for those releases.


    With this upgrade guide, there are a few notes to consider:

    • WARNING: Upgrading a Rook cluster is not without risk. There may be unexpected issues or obstacles that damage the integrity and health of your storage cluster, including data loss. Only proceed with this guide if you are comfortable with that.
    • The Rook cluster’s storage may be unavailable for short periods during the upgrade process for both Rook operator updates and for Ceph version updates.
    • We recommend that you read this document in full before you undertake a Rook cluster upgrade.

    Upgrading the Rook-Ceph Operator

    Patch Release Upgrades

    Unless otherwise noted due to extenuating requirements, upgrades from one patch release of Rook to another are as simple as updating the image of the Rook operator. For example, when Rook v1.0.6 is released, the process of updating from v1.0.0 should be as simple as running the following:

    kubectl -n rook-ceph-system set image deploy/rook-ceph-operator rook-ceph-operator=rook/ceph:v1.0.6


    We will do all our work in the Ceph example manifests directory.

    cd $YOUR_ROOK_REPO/cluster/examples/kubernetes/ceph/

    Unless your Rook cluster was created with customized namespaces, namespaces for Rook clusters created before v0.8 are likely to be rook-system and rook, and for Rook-Ceph clusters created with v0.8 or after, rook-ceph-system and rook-ceph. With this guide, we do our best not to assume the namespaces in your cluster. To make things as easy as possible, modify and use the below snippet to configure your environment. We will use these environment variables throughout this document.

    # Parameterize the environment
    export ROOK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE="rook-ceph-system"
    export ROOK_NAMESPACE="rook-ceph"

    In order to successfully upgrade a Rook cluster, the following prerequisites must be met:

    • The cluster should be in a healthy state with full functionality. Review the health verification section in order to verify your cluster is in a good starting state.
    • All pods consuming Rook storage should be created, running, and in a steady state. No Rook persistent volumes should be in the act of being created or deleted.

    Health Verification

    Before we begin the upgrade process, let’s first review some ways that you can verify the health of your cluster, ensuring that the upgrade is going smoothly after each step. Most of the health verification checks for your cluster during the upgrade process can be performed with the Rook toolbox. For more information about how to run the toolbox, please visit the Rook toolbox readme.

    See the common issues pages for troubleshooting and correcting health issues:

    Pods all Running

    In a healthy Rook cluster, the operator, the agents and all Rook namespace pods should be in the Running state and have few, if any, pod restarts. To verify this, run the following commands:

    kubectl -n $ROOK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE get pods
    kubectl -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE get pods

    Status Output

    The Rook toolbox contains the Ceph tools that can give you status details of the cluster with the ceph status command. Let’s look at an output sample and review some of the details:

    > TOOLS_POD=$(kubectl -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE get pod -l "app=rook-ceph-tools" -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
    > kubectl -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE exec -it $TOOLS_POD -- ceph status
        id:     fe7ae378-dc77-46a1-801b-de05286aa78e
        health: HEALTH_OK
        mon: 3 daemons, quorum rook-ceph-mon0,rook-ceph-mon1,rook-ceph-mon2
        mgr: rook-ceph-mgr0(active)
        osd: 1 osds: 1 up, 1 in
        pools:   1 pools, 100 pgs
        objects: 0 objects, 0 bytes
        usage:   2049 MB used, 15466 MB / 17516 MB avail
        pgs:     100 active+clean

    In the output above, note the following indications that the cluster is in a healthy state:

    • Cluster health: The overall cluster status is HEALTH_OK and there are no warning or error status messages displayed.
    • Monitors (mon): All of the monitors are included in the quorum list.
    • OSDs (osd): All OSDs are up and in.
    • Manager (mgr): The Ceph manager is in the active state.
    • Placement groups (pgs): All PGs are in the active+clean state.

    If your ceph status output has deviations from the general good health described above, there may be an issue that needs to be investigated further. There are other commands you may run for more details on the health of the system, such as ceph osd status.

    Container Versions

    The container version running in a specific pod in the Rook cluster can be verified in its pod spec output. For example for the monitor pod mon-b, we can verify the container version it is running with the below commands:

    POD_NAME=$(kubectl -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE get pod -o custom-columns=name:.metadata.name --no-headers | grep rook-ceph-mon-b)
    kubectl -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE get pod ${POD_NAME} -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[0].image}'

    All Pods Status and Version

    The status and container versions for all Rook pods can be collected all at once with the following commands:

    kubectl -n $ROOK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE get pod -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\n\t"}{.status.phase}{"\t"}{.spec.containers[0].image}{"\t"}{.spec.initContainers[0]}{"\n"}{end}' && \
    kubectl -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE get pod -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\n\t"}{.status.phase}{"\t"}{.spec.containers[0].image}{"\t"}{.spec.initContainers[0].image}{"\n"}{end}'

    Rook 1.0 also introduces the rook-version label to Ceph controller resources. For various resource controllers, a summary of the resource controllers can be gained with the commands below. These will report the requested, updated, and currently available replicas for various Rook-Ceph resources in addition to the version of Rook for resources managed by the updated Rook-Ceph operator.

    kubectl -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE get deployments -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"  \treq/upd/avl: "}{.spec.replicas}{"/"}{.status.updatedReplicas}{"/"}{.status.readyReplicas}{"  \trook-version="}{.metadata.labels.rook-version}{"\n"}{end}'
    kubectl -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE get daemonsets -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"  \treq/upd/avl: "}{.status.desiredNumberScheduled}{"/"}{.status.updatedNumberScheduled}{"/"}{.status.numberAvailable}{"  \trook-version="}{.metadata.labels.rook-version}{"\n"}{end}'
    kubectl -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE get jobs -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"  \tsucceeded: "}{.status.succeeded}{"      \trook-version="}{.metadata.labels.rook-version}{"\n"}{end}'

    Rook Volume Health

    Any pod that is using a Rook volume should also remain healthy:

    • The pod should be in the Running state with few, if any, restarts
    • There should be no errors in its logs
    • The pod should still be able to read and write to the attached Rook volume.

    Rook Operator Upgrade Process

    In the examples given in this guide, we will be upgrading a live Rook cluster running v0.9.3 to the v1.0.0. This upgrade should work from any official patch release of Rook 0.9 to any official patch release of 1.0. We will further assume that your previous cluster was created using an earlier version of this guide and manifests. If you have created custom manifests, these steps may not work as written.

    Rook release from master are expressly unsupported. It is strongly recommended that you use official releases of Rook, as unreleased versions from the master branch are subject to changes and incompatibilities that will not be supported in the official releases. Builds from the master branch can have functionality changed and even removed at any time without compatibility support and without prior notice.

    Let’s get started!

    1. Configure manifests

    IMPORTANT: Ensure that you are using the latest manifests from the release-1.0 branch. If you have custom configuration options set in your 0.9 manifests, you will need to also alter those values in the 1.0 manifests.

    If your cluster does not use the rook-ceph-system and rook-ceph namespaces, you will need to replace all manifest references to these namespaces with references to those used by your cluster. We can use a few simple sed commands to do this for all manifests at once.

    # Replace yaml file namespaces with sed (and make backups)
    sed -i.bak -e "s/namespace: rook-ceph-system/namespace: $ROOK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE/g" *.yaml
    sed -i -e "s/namespace: rook-ceph/namespace: $ROOK_NAMESPACE/g" *.yaml
    # Reduce clutter by moving the backups we just created
    mkdir backups
    mv *.bak backups/

    2. Update modified permissions

    A few of permissions have been added or modified in v1.0. To make updating these resources easy, special upgrade manifests have been created.

    kubectl delete -f upgrade-from-v0.9-delete.yaml
    kubectl create -f upgrade-from-v0.9-create.yaml

    Upgrade notes have been added to upgrade-from-v0.9-create.yaml identifying the changes made to 1.0 to aid users in any manifest-related auditing they wish to do.

    3. Update the Rook operator image

    The largest portion of the upgrade is triggered when the operator’s image is updated to v1.0.x.

    kubectl -n $ROOK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE set image deploy/rook-ceph-operator rook-ceph-operator=rook/ceph:v1.0.6

    Watch now in amazement as the Ceph mons, mgrs, OSDs, rbd-mirrors, mdses and rgws are terminated and replaced with updated versions in sequence. The cluster may be offline very briefly as mons update, and the Ceph Filesystem may fall offline a few times while the mdses are upgrading. This is normal. Continue on to the next upgrade step while the update is commencing.

    4. Wait for the upgrade to complete

    Before moving on, the Ceph cluster’s core (RADOS) components should be fully updated.

    watch --exec kubectl -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE get deployments -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"  \treq/upd/avl: "}{.spec.replicas}{"/"}{.status.updatedReplicas}{"/"}{.status.readyReplicas}{"  \trook-version="}{.metadata.labels.rook-version}{"\n"}{end}'

    As an example, this cluster is midway through updating the OSDs from 0.9 to 1.0. When all deployments report 1/1/1 availability and rook-version=v1.0.0, the Ceph cluster’s core components are fully updated.

    Every 2.0s: kubectl -n rook-ceph get deployment -o j...
    rook-ceph-mgr-a         req/upd/avl: 1/1/1      rook-version=v1.0.0
    rook-ceph-mon-a         req/upd/avl: 1/1/1      rook-version=v1.0.0
    rook-ceph-mon-b         req/upd/avl: 1/1/1      rook-version=v1.0.0
    rook-ceph-mon-c         req/upd/avl: 1/1/1      rook-version=v1.0.0
    rook-ceph-osd-0         req/upd/avl: 1/1/1      rook-version=v1.0.0
    rook-ceph-osd-1         req/upd/avl: 1//        rook-version=v1.0.0
    rook-ceph-osd-2         req/upd/avl: 1/1/1      rook-version=

    The mdses and rgws are the last daemons to update. An easy check to see if the upgrade is totally finished is to check that there is only one rook-version reported across the cluster. It is safe to proceed with the next step before the mdses and rgws are finished updating.

    (kubectl -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE get deployment -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{"rook-version="}{.metadata.labels.rook-version}{"\n"}{end}' && kubectl -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE get daemonset -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{"rook-version="}{.metadata.labels.rook-version}{"\n"}{end}') | uniq
    # This cluster is not yet finished:
    #   rook-version=
    #   rook-version=v1.0.0
    # This cluster is finished:
    #   rook-version=v1.0.0

    5. Verify the updated cluster

    At this point, your Rook operator should be running version rook/ceph:v1.0.6

    Verify the Ceph cluster’s health using the health verification section.

    6. Update the Mon Ports

    The port on which the mons are listening has changed in the 1.0 release in order to support the new msgr2 protocol in Nautilus. Previously, the mons were listening on port 6790 by default. In 1.0 now they are expected to be listening on port 6789. To ensure an uninterrupted upgrade to 1.0, the operator configures the existing mons to continue listening on port 6790.

    It is recommended that the mons be re-configured to listen on the new default port before upgrading to Ceph Nautilus; however, the steps outlined below will still work after an upgrade to Nautilus. Instead of changing the port, the recommended process is to failover the mons, which will create new mons on port 6789. While the operator will automate most of this process, there are several steps required to induce the operator to failover a mon.

    1. Cause the mon to fail by setting the replicas on the mon deployment to zero. For example, if your mon is named mon-a:
      • kubectl -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE scale deploy rook-ceph-mon-a --replicas=0
    2. Wait for 5-10 minutes for the operator to fail over the mon. You will see messages in the operator log that the mon is down and will be failed over after a timeout. The length of the timeout is dependent on the setting ROOK_MON_OUT_INTERVAL in the Rook operator deployment (operator.yaml).
    3. After the timeout, a new mon will be started and the old mon deployment will be automatically removed.
    4. Confirm in the toolbox that all mons are in quorum: ceph status. Do not continue if they are not in quorum.
    5. Repeat steps 1-5 for each of the old mons

    Note that clients connected with the Rook flex driver will be automatically updated when the mons are failed over. No intervention is needed for the clients to find the new mons.

    Ceph Version Upgrades

    Rook 1.0 is the last Rook release which will support Ceph’s Luminous (v12.x.x) version. Users are advised to upgrade to Mimic (v13.x.x) or Nautilus (v14.x.x) now.

    IMPORTANT: This section only applies to clusters already running Rook 1.0

    Ceph images

    Official Ceph container images can be found on Docker Hub. These images are tagged in a few ways:

    • The most explicit form of tags are full-ceph-version-and-build tags (e.g., v13.2.2-20181023). These tags are recommended for production clusters, as there is no possibility for the cluster to be heterogeneous with respect to the version of Ceph running in containers.
    • Ceph major version tags (e.g., v13) are useful for development and test clusters so that the latest version of Ceph is always available.

    Ceph containers other than the official images from the registry above will not be supported.

    Example upgrade to Ceph Nautilus

    1. Update the main Ceph daemons

    The majority of the upgrade will be handled by the Rook operator. Begin the upgrade by changing the Ceph image field in the cluster CRD (spec:cephVersion:image).

    CLUSTER_NAME="$ROOK_NAMESPACE"  # change if your cluster name is not the Rook namespace
    kubectl -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE patch CephCluster $CLUSTER_NAME --type=merge \
      -p "{\"spec\": {\"cephVersion\": {\"image\": \"$NEW_CEPH_IMAGE\"}}}"

    2. Wait for the daemon pod updates to complete

    As with upgrading Rook, you must now wait for the upgrade to complete. Determining when the Ceph version has fully updated is rather simple.

    watch kubectl -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE describe pods | grep "Image:.*ceph/ceph" | sort | uniq
    # This cluster is not yet finished:
    #      Image:         ceph/ceph:v13.2.2-20181023
    #      Image:         ceph/ceph:v14.2.1-20190430
    # This cluster is also finished:
    #      Image:         ceph/ceph:v14.2.1-20190430

    3. Enable Nautilus features

    When upgrading to Nautilus (v14.x.x), a final command should be issued to Ceph to take advantage of the latest Ceph features. This does not apply for upgrades to Mimic (v13.x.x)

    TOOLS_POD=$(kubectl -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE get pod -l "app=rook-ceph-tools" -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
    kubectl -n $ROOK_NAMESPACE exec -it $TOOLS_POD -- ceph osd require-osd-release nautilus

    4. Verify the updated cluster

    Verify the Ceph cluster’s health using the health verification section.

    If you see a health warning about enabling msgr2, please see the section above on Updating the Mon Ports.

    [root@minikube /]# ceph -s
        id:     b02807da-986a-40b0-ab7a-fa57582b1e4f
        health: HEALTH_WARN
                3 monitors have not enabled msgr2

    Alternatively, this warning can suppressed if a temporary workaround is needed.

    ceph config set global mon_warn_on_msgr2_not_enabled false