
    PLEASE NOTE: This document applies to v0.9 version and not to the latest stable release v1.8

    Documentation for other releases can be found by using the version selector in the top right of any doc page.

    EdgeFS Rook integrated CSI driver, provisioner and attacher

    Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver, provisioner, and attacher for EdgeFS Scale-Out NFS


    EdgeFS CSI plugins implements interface between CSI enabled Container Orchestrator (CO) and EdgeFS local cluster site. It allows dynamic and static provisioning of EdgeFS NFS exports or iSCSI LUNs, and attaching them to stateful application workloads. With EdgeFS NFS implementation, I/O load can be spread-out across multiple PODs, thus eliminating networking I/O bottlenecks of classic single-node NFS. Current implementation of EdgeFS CSI plugin was tested in Kubernetes environment (requires Kubernetes 1.11+), however the code is Kubernetes version agnostic and should be able to run with any CSI enabled CO.


    Ensure that Rook EdgeFS cluster up and running.

    Configure new NFS service (lets say named as “nfs01”) via efscli and create Rook EdgeFS NFS resouce.

    Configure CSI driver options and cluster discovery using kubernetes secret json file as an example.

    Secret file configuration options example:

    	"k8sEdgefsNamespace": "rook-edgefs",
    	"cluster": "cltest",
    	"tenant": "test",
    	"serviceFilter": "nfs01",
    	"username": "admin",
    	"password": "admin"
    Name Description Default value Required
    username EdgeFS gRPC API server privileged user “admin” true
    password EdgeFS gRPC API server password “admin” true
    cluster EdgeFS cluster namespace also known as ‘region’   false
    tenant EdgeFS tenant isolated namespace   false
    serviceFilter List of comma delimeted allowed service names to filter ”” means all services allowed false
    k8sEdgefsNamespace Rook EdgeFS cluster namespace   true

    By using k8sEdgefsNamespace parameter, driver is capable of detecting ClusterIPs and Endpoint IPs to provision and attach volumes.

    Check configuration options and create kubernetes secret for NexentaEdge CSI plugin

    cd cluster/examples/kubernetes/edgefs/csi/secret
    kubectl create secret generic rook-edgefs-cluster --from-file=./cluster-config.json

    After secret is created successfully, deploy EdgeFS CSI plugin, provisioner and attacher using the following command

    cd cluster/examples/kubernetes/edgefs/csi
    kubectl apply -f .

    Note that for Kubernetes versions >= v1.12.1 CSI architecutre introduced kind=CSIDriver CRD. To use earlier version change pwd to ‘k8s-prior-12.1’ subdirectory.

    There should be number of EdgeFS CSI plugin PODs available running as a DaemonSet

    NAMESPACE     NAME                                    READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    default       csi-attacher-nedgeplugin-0              2/2       Running   0          18s
    default       csi-provisioner-nedgeplugin-0           2/2       Running   0          18s
    default       edgefs-csi-plugin-7s6wc                 2/2       Running   0          19s

    At this point configuration is all ready and available for consumption by appliations.

    Pre-provisioned volumes (NFS)

    This method allows to use already created exports in EdgeFS services. This method keeps exports provisioned after application PODs terminated. Read more on how to create PersistentVolume specification for pre-provisioned volumes:

    link to Pre-provisioned volumes manifest specification

    To test creation and mount pre-provisioned volume to pod execute example


    Make sure that volumeHandle: clus1/ten1/buk1 in nginx.yaml already exist on EdgeFS cluster


    cd cluster/examples/kubernetes/edgefs/csi/examples
    kubectl apply -f ./pre-provisioned-nginx.yaml #one pod with pre-provisioned volume
    kubectl apply -f ./deployment.yaml            # 10 pods deployment shares one EdgeFS bucket

    Dynamically provisioned volumes (NFS)

    To setup the system for dynamic provisioning, administrator needs to setup a StorageClass pointing to the CSI driver’s external-provisioner and specifying any parameters required by the driver

    link to dynamically provisioned volumes specification


    For dynamically provisioned volumes kubernetes will generate volume name automatically (for example pvc-871068ed-8b5d-11e8-9dae-005056b37cb2) Additional creation options should be passed as parameters in storage class definition i.e :

    apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
    kind: StorageClass
      name: csi-sc-nedgeplugin
    provisioner: edgefs-csi-plugin
      tenant: ten1
      encryption: true


    Name Description Allowed values Default value
    cluster NexentaEdge cluster namespace if not defined in secret    
    tenant NexentaEdge tenant namespace if not defined in secret    
    chunksize Chunk size for actual volume, in bytes should be power of two 1048576 bytes
    acl Volume acl restrictions   all
    ec Enables ccow erasure coding for volume true, false, 0, 1 false
    ecmode Set ccow erasure mode data mode (If ‘ec’ option enabled) “4:2:rs” ,”6:2:rs”, “9:3:rs” 6:2:rs
    encryption Enables encryption for volume true, false, 0, 1 false


    Options are case sensitive and should be in lower case


    cd cluster/examples/kubernetes/edgefs/csi/examples
    kubectl apply -f ./dynamic-nginx.yaml

    Troubleshooting and log collection

    For details about other configuration and deployment of EdgeFS CSI plugin, see Wiki pages:

    Please submit an issue at: Issues


    In case any problems using EdgeFS CSI driver

    1. Check CSI plugin pods state
      kubectl describe pod edgefs-csi-plugin-xxxxx
    2. Check provisioned pods state
      kubectl describe pods nginx
    3. Check CSI plugin logs
      kubectl logs csi-attacher-nedgeplugin-0 -c nfs
      kubectl logs csi-provisioner-nedgeplugin-0 -c nfs
      kubectl logs edgefs-csi-plugin-j8ljf -c nfs