
    PLEASE NOTE: This document applies to v0.7 version and not to the latest stable release v1.8

    Documentation for other releases can be found by using the version selector in the top right of any doc page.

    Cleaning up a Cluster

    If you want to tear down the cluster and bring up a new one, be aware of the following resources that will need to be cleaned up:

    • rook-system namespace: The Rook operator and agent created by rook-operator.yaml
    • rook namespace: The Rook storage cluster created by rook-cluster.yaml (the cluster CRD)
    • /var/lib/rook: Path on each host in the cluster where configuration is cached by the ceph mons and osds

    Note that if you changed the default namespaces or paths in the sample yaml files, you will need to adjust these namespaces and paths throughout these instructions.

    If you see issues tearing down the cluster, see the Troubleshooting section below.

    If you are tearing down a cluster frequently for development purposes, it is instead recommended to use an environment such as Minikube that can easily be restarted without worrying about any of these steps.

    Delete the Block and File artifacts

    First you will need to clean up the resources created on top of the Rook cluster.

    These commands will clean up the resources from the block and file walkthroughs (unmount volumes, delete volume claims, etc). If you did not complete those parts of the walkthrough, you can skip these instructions:

    kubectl delete -f wordpress.yaml
    kubectl delete -f mysql.yaml
    kubectl delete -n rook pool replicapool
    kubectl delete storageclass rook-block
    kubectl delete -n kube-system secret rook-admin
    kubectl delete -f kube-registry.yaml

    Delete the Cluster CRD

    After those block and file resources have been cleaned up, you can then delete your Rook cluster. This is important to delete before removing the Rook operator and agent or else resources may not be cleaned up properly.

    kubectl delete -n rook cluster rook

    Verify that the cluster CRD has been deleted before continuing to the next step.

    kubectl -n rook get cluster

    Delete the Operator and Agent

    This will begin the process of all cluster resources being cleaned up, after which you can delete the rest of the deployment with the following:

    kubectl delete thirdpartyresources cluster.rook.io pool.rook.io objectstore.rook.io filesystem.rook.io volumeattachment.rook.io # ignore errors if on K8s 1.7+
    kubectl delete crd clusters.rook.io pools.rook.io objectstores.rook.io filesystems.rook.io volumeattachments.rook.io  # ignore errors if on K8s 1.5 and 1.6
    kubectl delete -n rook-system daemonset rook-agent
    kubectl delete -f rook-operator.yaml
    kubectl delete clusterroles rook-agent
    kubectl delete clusterrolebindings rook-agent

    Optionally remove the rook namespace if it is not in use by any other resources.

    kubectl delete namespace rook

    Delete the data on hosts

    IMPORTANT: The final cleanup step requires deleting files on each host in the cluster. All files under the dataDirHostPath property specified in the cluster CRD will need to be deleted. Otherwise, inconsistent state will remain when a new cluster is started.

    Connect to each machine and delete /var/lib/rook, or the path specified by the dataDirHostPath.

    In the future this step will not be necessary when we build on the K8s local storage feature.

    If you modified the demo settings, additional cleanup is up to you for devices, host paths, etc.


    If the cleanup instructions are not executed in the order above, or you otherwise have difficulty cleaning up the cluster, here are a few things to try.

    The most common issue cleaning up the cluster is that the rook namespace or the cluster CRD remain indefinitely in the terminating state. A namespace cannot be removed until all of its resources are removed, so look at which resources are pending termination.

    Look at the pods:

    kubectl -n rook get pod

    If a pod is still terminating, you will need to wait or else attempt to forcefully terminate it (kubectl delete pod <name>).

    Now look at the cluster CRD:

    kubectl -n rook get cluster

    If the cluster CRD still exists even though you have executed the delete command earlier, see the next section on removing the finalizer.

    Removing the Cluster CRD Finalizer

    When a Cluster CRD is created, a finalizer is added automatically by the Rook operator. The finalizer will allow the operator to ensure that before the cluster CRD is deleted, all block and file mounts will be cleaned up. Without proper cleanup, pods consuming the storage will be hung indefinitely until a system reboot.

    The operator is responsible for removing the finalizer after the mounts have been cleaned up. If for some reason the operator is not able to remove the finalizer (ie. the operator is not running anymore), you can delete the finalizer manually.

    kubectl -n rook edit cluster rook

    This will open a text editor (usually vi) to allow you to edit the CRD. Look for the finalizers element and delete the following line:

      - cluster.rook.io

    Now save the changes and exit the editor. Within a few seconds you should see that the cluster CRD has been deleted and will no longer block other cleanup such as deleting the rook namespace.