
    PLEASE NOTE: This document applies to v0.5 version and not to the latest stable release v1.8

    Documentation for other releases can be found by using the version selector in the top right of any doc page.

    Rook Toolbox

    The Rook toolbox is a container with common tools used for rook debugging and testing. The toolbox is based on Ubuntu, so more tools of your choosing can be easily installed with apt-get.

    Running the Toolbox in Kubernetes

    The rook toolbox can run as a pod in a Kubernetes cluster. After you ensure you have a running Kubernetes cluster with rook deployed (see the Kubernetes instructions), launch the rook-tools pod.

    Save the tools spec as rook-tools.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: rook-tools
      namespace: rook
      - name: rook-tools
        image: rook/toolbox:v0.5.1
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        args: ["sleep", "36500d"]
          - name: ROOK_ADMIN_SECRET
                name: rook-ceph-mon
                key: admin-secret
          privileged: true
          - mountPath: /dev
            name: dev
          - mountPath: /sys/bus
            name: sysbus
          - mountPath: /lib/modules
            name: libmodules
        - name: dev
            path: /dev
        - name: sysbus
            path: /sys/bus
        - name: libmodules
            path: /lib/modules

    Launch the rook-tools pod:

    kubectl create -f rook-tools.yaml

    Wait for the toolbox pod to download its container and get to the running state:

    kubectl -n rook get pod rook-tools

    Once the rook-tools pod is running, you can connect to it with:

    kubectl -n rook exec -it rook-tools bash

    All available tools in the toolbox are ready for your troubleshooting needs. Example:

    rookctl status
    ceph df
    rados df

    When you are done with the toolbox, remove the pod:

    kubectl -n rook delete pod rook-tools

    Running the Toolbox for Standalone

    Container Linux by CoreOS

    To use the rook toolbox on CoreOS, first add the following values to the toolbox config file:

    cat >~/.toolboxrc <<EOL

    Then launch the toolbox as usual:


    Ceph Tools

    To use the ceph tools from a rook host, launch the toolbox with the following options:

    toolbox --bind=/var/lib/rook:/var/lib/rook /toolbox/entrypoint.sh

    Then you can run ceph and rados commands like usual:

    ceph df
    rados df

    Other Linux Distros

    The rook toolbox container can simply be run directly with docker on other Linux distros:

    docker run -it rook/toolbox

    Ceph Tools

    To run ceph tools such as ceph and rados, run the container with the following options:

    docker run -it --network=host -v /var/lib/rook:/var/lib/rook rook/toolbox